Thursday, September 15, 2022


Yeah, it's worse than that. Not even Renton would reach into the Printers Row port-o-potties.

 Whenever I'm not at home I get concerned about getting rid of needles. I'm a diabetic, so I need to test my blood sugar at least three times a day. Then I have two insulin pens. I use one to inject myself three times a day and the other to shoot up once. The lancets for blood sugar testing are small and could get anywhere and come with no guards, so I only use those at home. But the insulin pens? Those needles do come with guards, so if I were to throw them in the garbage, chances are good that if someone reached into that garbage, they wouldn't stick themselves. Unless they're a child with tiny fingers.

I'm very careful about this kind of thing. I won't toss a needle unless I'm certain no one will go rooting around in that garbage. And I will also ask if there are any children likely to reach in there. Life as a diabetic can be pretty weird, I guess.

One of the things I liked about Printers Row was my ability to throw needles away without thought. The reason being, I had to use port-o-potties when injecting myself. Yeah, it's gross, but I had sterile pads to make sure I didn't get any infections. After shooting up, I'd toss the used needles into the toilet. I did this because I felt, to a moral certainty, that there isn't a single human being in the world who would reach into that toilet. I'm pretty sure if someone dropped their wallet down there, for example, they wouldn't go after it. If I did that, I'd think to myself, "Well, it was nice having those things in my wallet. Oh well. I guess I have to get a new driver's license."

Even if someone, through some form of lunacy or another, actually did reach down there, my bloody needle would be the least of their concerns. I can understand if someone wore a biohazard suit, they might reach down there. But the needles have those guards around them, so it's impossible that they would tear the suit even if it was flimsy as shit.

No, there's no way anyone is going to pull a Renton on these things.

Don't be Renton.

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