Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 . . . I feel like I should remind you that my job's Christmas party of 2021 was so lame I didn't even go. I'm used to crazy parties with free booze and food, and I didn't feel like driving out to the middle of nowhere to pay for my own drinks and food. I skipped it. This year it went differently. They had it in the office for maybe a half an hour before we had to go back to work. I kinda just went in for the toast and then went back to work right away. No time for love, Dr. Jones.

There wasn't any real booze, but they did have some champagne, and you could have one even if you were still working. They offered me some, and I almost took it out of habit. Then I remembered, oh wait, champagne has alcohol in it. Not much. Certainly not enough to make me feel it. In truth, if I was still drinking I probably wouldn't have taken it, anyway. Champagne really isn't worth the alcohol content in it. I mean, probably.

I caught myself at the last moment and held up my energy drink instead. It kind of surprised me how fast I almost lost my days. While there isn't much booze in champagne, it would have been enough to send me back to zero days. And who knows? Maybe it would have been the blasting cap to me getting a bottle of whiskey from Williams Liquors on the way home. When I fuck up, I tend to think, well, it's the same punishment no matter how badly I fucked up, so might as well fuck it up all the way to the hilt. Get my money's worth.

Maybe in an alternate universe I got drunk on New Year's Eve.

You probably should have read this GF while listening to this. Whoops.

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