Monday, January 16, 2023


At the beginning of every year I come up with a plan for my career as an author. What I want to do. What I want to work on. Etc. I thought I'd tanked 2022 in that regard, but over the weekend I took a look at that plan and saw I didn't do half bad.

There were two anthologies I knew I'd be in, so I didn't worry too much about those. There were two other anthologies that were in the works at the time, but I had high faith in them, and sure enough all four came to pass with very little effort from me outside of writing the stories.

I got IT CHANGES A MAN out there, which I'm very glad for. I also got DONG OF FRANKENSTEIN AND OTHER PORNOS YOU CAN'T JERK IT TO published, too. It was originally supposed to be something silly like BRUNI'S BIG BOOK OF SEX, but I'm glad a better title occurred to me.

Also, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HIERONYMUS ALOYSIS ZIEGE came out just in time for Printers Row, which I was a little worried about. I'd written it specifically for Printers Row, and I had a lot of copies of that one. Too bad we got rained out the second day. I still have copies of that and Shit Poems Number Two, if anyone is interested.

But here's where my plan fucked up. I wanted to get my splatter western, TRAIL OF BLOOD, out there. I even had a cover by Luke Spooner for it, but I ran into a lot of problems and had to delay it.  I have almost everything worked out, and I hope to have it out by February. I also wanted my splatter SF book, EYE CUTTER, out at the end of last year. TRAIL OF BLOOD was supposed to be spring, EYE CUTTER winter. Whoops! Now I expect to have EYE CUTTER out no later than Halloween. If you enjoyed IT CHANGES A MAN, then you'll be glad to see Stork is still around.

But that was my big fuck up of 2022. I missed a few other things on my list. There were stories and other things I wanted to work on but never got around to it. I don't consider that too much of a loss. These were mere suggestions to myself if I somehow found myself with a surplus of time on my hands, which did not happen, by the way.

And then I came up with a list of things I'd like to think about for 2023. One of those things I actually got to before the end of 2022. I don't know how that happened, but there you go.

So I came up with my plan for this year. It's not nearly as ambitious as the one for 2022, but here's what it looks like so far, aside from TRAIL OF BLOOD and EYE CUTTER. I want to write another sex book for Kindle only. I have it narrowed down to two ideas. I also want to write another Kindle only splatter SF novella following the adventures of someone we'll meet in EYE CUTTER. I also have an idea for putting together the collection of my Slate stories with a brand new story as an incentive to buy. And then I'm thinking about maybe a chapbook of true life stories of getting drunk and doing crazy shit. It would be a bit more professionally put together than the two volumes of Shit Poems. Those were meant to look more like 'zines than chapbooks. This one would be more along the lines of what that term entails.

I'd originally planned for two other novels, but those will have to be delayed until 2024 for now. So yeah, hopefully this plan works out better than last year's. Also, since 2020 I noticed a horrible trend. With each new year, I should be making more money writing books, yes? That was the case until the Year of the Plague. Understandable, especially since the Plague meant no Printers Row, which is where I make most of my money in one go. Since 2020, though, I've been making less and less each year. This is a horrible situation that absolutely cannot be allowed to continue. So I'll be brainstorming a few things.

Like Patreon, for example. If I did one of those, what kinds of things would you want from me each month? Just putting some feelers out there. Let me know in the comments or on social media or email, etc.

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