Tuesday, March 14, 2023


As you may recall I'm down to eight toes, and one of them recently was at risk of leaving me, too. I'd worn a hole in that toe, and it didn't want to heal. Sometimes it would build up a callus around it, but the hole was still there under that dead skin as my podiatrist would tell me every time he sanded it down. This is the exact same thing that happened to the second toe I lost, so you can understand my apprehension.

He eventually did a little minor surgery on the toe. He said he was "popping the tendon," which sounds horrifying and brutal, but it really wasn't. Because the toe was curled up, the callus kept building up, preventing the hole from healing. The surgery straightened the toe out. I can't really move it now, but at least it's no longer a problem.

Because the plug finally came off the hole. A bunch of dead skin came off the other night, showing that the hole was finally closed up. Not only that, but my toenail has started growing back. That is an excellent sign, so good that I'm not going to lose the toe. It's actually looking pretty good right now.

So who knows? Maybe when they put me in the ground I'll have all eight of my toes. Probably not. I'll bet that they take off my left foot before I shuffle off the mortal whatsis. Hopefully not, but with my luck?


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