Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 This weekend I had to say goodbye to a fast food restaurant that I enjoy a great deal. I don't think I mentioned it here, but a couple of months ago I said on social media that my White Castle had suddenly disappeared. That angered me a great deal because now, if I wanted the flesh of the chicken snake, I had to go to the other White Castle within comfortable driving distance. It's a bit of a longer drive, and the way is very annoying, and there is only one exit out of the place, and it's pointing in the wrong direction for me. I mean, I could make an illegal turn to get out of there, and ordinarily I would, but it's waaaaaaaay too busy at that hour. There is no way I could do it successfully.

I have a rule. If I go to a restaurant, and they get my order wrong three visits in a row, I never go back there again. NEVER. Once you're on my shit list, there is no getting off of it. I could be broke and hungry and desperate, but if they were in front of me offering free food, I wouldn't go there.

So on Saturday this White Castle made a spectacular fuck up of my order for the third visit in a row. It's an unfortunate fact of my life, but if I did not live up to my self-imposed rules, then it would be sheer madness. In many ways I'm not all that different from Adrian Monk. It's a blessing . . . and a curse.

This essentially means that it will be a very, very long time before I go to White Castle again. The next closest one takes 45 minutes to get there, and I'm not going all that way for dinner. Harold and Kumar had an easier time of getting to White Castle than I would in this case. It's not happening. So I pretty much gave up on White Castle over the weekend, and I'm not happy about it.

But such is life.

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