Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Dion probably smells like an unwiped butthole


Not too long ago I was advised that, much to my horror, Dion had come to Elmhurst, where I live, so he could talk with Chicago cops and lure them down to Florida with a sign on bonus of $5K. Imagine my disgust when I learned that he'd been at the Knights of Columbus hall which is less than five minutes from my house. If he'd farted, I would have smelled it and possibly felt the eldritch breeze.

There's a lot of gross shit that this Florida man is pulling in his home state, and you probably don't need me bringing it all up. The problem, though, is this dry rocky Vicodin turd of a human is planning on pushing through our society, giving us all anal fissures, into the White House in 2024. He actually has a shot because self-avowed freedom fighters refuse to see exactly how much Dion despises freedom.

We all know he's a book-banner, and you know how I feel about that, so I'm not going to delve too deeply into it except to say that his new book, by his own criteria for banning books, can be banned. He's so revolting that--and mark this in your calendar as this is a momentous occasion--I actually prefer Trump to this guy. Trump and Dion were cut from the same cloth, provided that you understand that without Trump, we would never have gotten Dion, but Dion goes even further than his master. As far as I can recall Trump never tried to ban books, probably because he can't read anything that doesn't have his name in it. He didn't even try to ban speech, like Dion is trying to do now.

Which brings me to why I'm writing this tonight. Have you heard of Florida Senate Bill 1316? If passed, any blogger (which is not defined, by the way, so it could apply to everything from newspaper articles to books to possibly even documentaries) who so much as mentions him or any of his cronies needs to register with the Florida Office of Legislative Services.

To be fair, this applies only to "bloggers" being paid to write these things, so this post would not fall under that requirement. No one pays me to write Goodnight, Fuckers, although they probably should, if I don't say so myself. All the same, if you don't register and then keep reporting on your activities on the 10th of every month, then you get fined. That is a violation of the First Amendment. They would never do this to the Second, which I guess is proof that the keyboard is mightier than the gun.

The endgame seems to be controlling information that gets released, but after a little poking around I've seen some suggest that Dion's real endgame is to overturn New York Times v Sullivan, presumably so he could sue authors and publications for printing/posting things he doesn't like. And that list of things he doesn't like? That's pretty fucking long and discriminatory.

There's also another suggestion that this bill could be used to make journalists break their Golden Rule, that being that one should never reveal their sources. Who is going to whistleblow if the law requires journalists to reveal their sources? It sounds like someone wants to make sure those big corporate money transfers keep finding his account.

Let's not mince words. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a liberal. Although Republicans and conservatives are doing their absolute best to push me in that direction. Biden is not my guy. He is very much in the pocket of Corporate America, and that is why he really got elected. He really is a business-as-usual president. So no, I don't like him. But I can work with him because the alternative is soulcrushingly worse. I'm sure Dion will announce that he is running for president soon. He's going to run on a freedom platform. Freedom over everything else. And people will believe him because the way of the world has been words over actions for a long time and probably will remain the same for the rest of my life.

But words do not define a person. Their actions do. A lot of people will vote for him because they can't stand to live in a world run by Big Brother, and Dion is speaking their language.

The greatest trick Big Brother ever pulled was making people believe that he stands for freedom. A vote for Dion is a vote to put Big Brother in charge.

Just say no to Ron Dion DeSantis.

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