Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 In case you couldn't tell over the course of me writing these GF columns, I can't stand corporate fucking greed. If you needed to point to one thing in the world that, if you eliminated it, the world would immediately be a better place by far, it's corporate fucking greed.

It never fails to amaze me how much we'll let these corporate fucking scumbags get away with. It's shocking how we continually let these fucking pieces of shit get away with anything and everything. I'm not even sure why. Why do we constantly fight against our own interests? Is it because we all think we will one day be millionaires? Who are we kidding?

But I have two situations that came to my attention recently that we need to nip in the bud ASAP, because if we don't we will all suffer drastic and crazy fucking consequences across the board.

Situation one: Neuralink. Elon Musk is hellbent on getting these brain implants approved so everyone can have them put in their heads. Everyone on the fucking planet EXCEPT for Musk and his colleagues is saying this is a bad idea. Forget the idea that this could very well be the Mark of the Beast Christians are usually ranting about but for some reason don't ever connect to Neuralink. I'll bet the first people in line will be the same people who hated the vaccine because they thought Bill Gates had put a microchip in it. And never mind that it's a way for your brain to get hacked. And never mind that it's another way that corporations could abuse you. If you can't afford the monthly bill for having the chip? They can turn it off remotely even if it's helping you remember how to breathe. Just like Teslas will lock their owners out and wait for a repo man to arrive if you miss a payment. Or, and this is something more of you will be familiar with, if the credit card you have on file with the manufacturer of your printer gets maxed, they will shut down your printer remotely.

The FDA's main problem with Neuralink is a lot simpler than my problems with it. It's that there is no way to keep the implant in one place. It will wander, which will cause damage to the inside of your head, the second to last place you would want that to happen in your body.

(You know what the first place is. Don't deny it.)

Why would anyone allow Musk to put an implant in their heads? Well, there is a very good carrot here. It's not just the stick. The idea is, Neuralink would help people with neurological problems. Like, if you can't walk because of a deficiency in your brain, this will help you walk. It could cure addiction. It could cure depression. That's a pretty big reward for such a risk.

I suppose if I were in a situation like that, I would be desperate to try Neuralink. But there are other uses, I'm sure. Imagine how pissed Zuck would be if Musk created Meta and didn't need an interface for it because it's in a brain implant instead? Or who knows? Maybe he'll sneak in a little killswitch for funsies. You all saw Kingsman: The Secret Service, right?

But Musk is not just chomping at the bit. He's straining against his straight jacket to get Neuralink approved. He's frothing at the goddam mouth. He's cutting corners during animal testing, and the situation is so bad that his own people are reporting him for animal cruelty. He is needlessly torturing and killing animals just to fast track this approval. Read it for yourself here. If that's what's happening to animals, who don't have the ability to be his customers, imagine what he'll do to his actual customers. All in the name of corporate fucking greed.

Situation two: Sinema and the pilot shortage. Kyrsten Sinema is just an awful person no matter how you look at her, but this is particularly galling. The law says that if you want to be a commercial pilot, you must have 1500 hours of flying experience first. With the pandemic over, and airplane trips on the rise, it's a lousy time to have a pilot shortage. So her idea--and keep in mind, I'm fairly certain she exists solely to make the world a worse place--is to get rid of the 1500 hours requirement. In a year when near-misses are at a startling high. Only because there is a need for more pilots. So corporations can make more money. All in the name of corporate fucking greed.

There's really no risk for them. All the risk is on people who fly in planes. And when there's a risk to people who are flying, the stakes are pretty fucking high. Tammy Duckworth, herself a pilot, told Sinema that she would "have blood on your hands" if this plan went through. Sully motherfucking Sullenberger himself stated the following:

"It is experience that arms (pilots) with the critically important judgment they must have to make good decisions that keep passengers and crews safe. 

"Sinema's amendment would cut and gut pilot experience levels."

When Sully is calling you out, you're getting called the fuck out. But how important is safety to people, really? There's money to be made, folks!

Some might say that Lloyd Kaufman, cofounder of Troma and creator of the Toxic Avenger (and a guy who gave me a blurb once upon reading some gay porn I'd written), is an irresponsible man. Yet somehow he's got his priorities straight.

If Lloyd Kaufman can get his shit together, why can't these greedy fucks?

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