Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 When authors get together, we tend to talk about the industry and how it sucks and how it could be improved, etc. But there is a special author topic that is near and dear to my heart. We get a lot of ideas. More than we can ever use on our own. Some authors even give ideas to peers sometimes, especially if they think that author could do better with it.

But my sweet spot is pretty specific. We get ideas that we could never EVER write and expect to get published. Usually they're rights headaches. The only way they could get out is if it's fanfic. We all get these ideas that we wish we could use. My favorites come from two of my friends. I can't choose which one I like better because they are so fucking wonderful. If you know Nick Day, ask him about Ed Rooney. If you know Mike Lombardo, ask him about Terry Kiser.

So here's mine. While I have a history of writing fanfic for the Zimventures, I don't think I'll ever do this idea like that. It would take a lot of effort, and let's be honest. The Zimventures are fuck-off stories. They're fun (maybe even more than fun), but they don't have calories. So I'm just going to tell you about my idea, and you can imagine it however you wish. And if you somehow own the rights to the film I'm thinking of, then please let me write it for you.

Everyone saw ID4, but how many of you watched Resurgence? I know I did, and you know what? I enjoyed it a bit more than expected. I know that's an unpopular opinion, but here we are. Mostly I liked it because the creators did what happened with Stargate, another of their movies that did well. After the movie, on SG-1, humanity used the tech they got from the System Lords to improve our own technology. That's also what happens in the ID4 universe.

Press play on this right now.

It's 20 years after 1988, when the Killer Klowns invaded our world from outer space. They've been quiet for a long time, and in their absence we've used their tech to improve our own. Yes, we now use Killer Klown technology. But now it's 2008, and they're coming back . . . and they're bigger than ever.

Attack of the Giant Killer Klowns From Outer Space! Coming soon to a theater near you . . .

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