Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 People always accuse me of being too hard on Republicans (tee-hee, I said hard on), but tonight's GF is going to be proof that I don't hate all Republicans. I just hate *almost* all Republicans. Just like I hate almost all Democrats.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican, and I love him. The rest of his party could benefit from watching how he conducts himself (ie. as a human being) and perhaps apply it to themselves.

I get his newsletter, and not too long ago he talked about the so-called Skittles ban in California. This is a perfect example of how corporations make us angry so they can profit off of us. If you're unfamiliar with the law, it actually bans an ingredient in Skittles. The way he breaks it down is perfect, so I'm going to let him explain:

I can hear the chanting already. "Europeans are a bunch of pussies!" But really. Come on. Only in America, where a sitting president once tried to tell people the cure for Covid was to inject themselves with bleach, could something that is illegal to use in makeup be perfectly legal to eat.

So where do the Skittles come in? Believe it or not there are people who I hate more than corporate scum. We call them lobbyists. It's their job to bribe, cajole or bully politicians into doing the bidding of their corporate overlords. The only reason I'm OK with them continuing to exist is, if we made the practice illegal, they'd go back to under the table bribes, and we'd be completely in the dark. I prefer them to be out in the open where we can see their evil deeds instead of suspecting them.

Five will get you ten that lobbyists wrote those "think" pieces calling it a Skittles ban for the sole purpose of brainwashing you into thinking of the law as laughable, killing any hopes it will have of passing. No politician will vote for something the public thinks is laughable. I find it interesting that Arnold talks a little about his time as governor of the very state in quesiton:

I get a little suspicious when people talk about how kids don't have anyone speaking on their behalf in politics because if you disagree with someone saying that, you're immediately the asshole. However, Arnold doesn't seem to have any interest in running for office at this time, for one. For another, unlike almost every other politician, he actually has a history of putting his money where his mouth is on this one. Even before he was governor he was always volunteering his time to raise awareness of physical fitness for children and creating charities and after school programs for them. All the things politicians say should happen but would never in a million years make any effort into trying to manifest as a reality.

So please remember to never EVER just take anyone's word for something. Not even mine. I understand that a lot of people have lost any ability when it comes to critical thinking skills, but in a country where we have freedom of speech, it is one of the most important skills to have. When anyone can say anything, you have to have the ability to separate facts from bullshit. The next time you hear about something ridiculous in politics, don't just dismiss it. Think about it. Look into it a little. Make up your own mind using critical thinking skills instead of listening to any cockadoodie politician or clickbait article or what have you. Remember that when you get angry over something you read in the news.

I'll let Arnold have the final word tonight:

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