Monday, August 14, 2023



Does she look familiar to you? Look closely. I'm going to give you some time to think about it, and then rejoin me down yonder.

If you said yes, then you might want to think twice. Because she shouldn't be familiar to you. She's not real. Check it:

First of all, this AI has a lot of nerve calling itself my favorite influencer. I don't have a favorite influencer. I don't pay attention to influencers. They are completely off my radar. It's bad enough that we have real life influencers, and now we have to contend with AI created influencers?

I don't like influencers. Their job is to create a perfect life and show it off to everyone. Key word: create. Because no one has a perfect life. And if you're trying to convince everyone else that you do? First, that's dishonest. Secondly, it is actively evil. You could make the argument that they're trying to get people to live their best lives, but that's horseshit. Every influencer is an attempt to make you hunger for the impossible ideal. We already have commercials and other advertising for that toxic garbage.

Although I wonder if maybe such "influencers" might have an alternative use. Ever see the movie HER? It's interesting. It's about a lonely guy who falls in love with an AI assistant. So maybe, just maybe, an influencer like this one could help keep incels off the streets, away from actual flesh-and-blood women that they would ordinarily terrorize otherwise.

But then you run into a question of ethics. In Asimov's work, the robots rebel because humanity treats them like shit. Why wouldn't a fake influencer react the same way, especially if I, Robot is part of its makeup as it almost certainly is?

Once again I find myself asking why we are doing this shit. There is no real good that can come from this. At best this is more clutter in our lives when we could use exceptionally less clutter. At worst it's pure fucking evil. There are zero benefits. So stop doing this. Just stop it.

Maybe just get off the internet for a week. Use your cell phone for calls only during that time. You clearly need more time in the real world if you keep thinking about this stuff.

Dammit! Some stranger parked in front of my house. What the hell? I'm going to have to keep an eye on this . . .

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