Friday, August 11, 2023


Yeah, I agree. It looks kinda stupid.


I doubt I have any Trump supporters reading these, but on the off chance that I do, I have a question. The rest of you may leave if you wish. This is only directed to those who would use their throats as cock holsters for Trump. So: why do Trump cucks worship the Punisher? It's to the point where they have stupid shit like this going around:

This doesn't look "kinda" stupid. It *is* fucking stupid.

This bullshit got so bad that Marvel had to change the Punisher's logo to the one at the top of this column to distance themselves from this fuckwittery. I don't get it. I mean, sure, the Punisher is cool. His logo is cool. That's fine. But I don't get why the Trump cucks are so rah-rah about this fucking thing. Not when Batman is right there and makes so much more sense for you.

I hear you say law and order, but that is nuttier than a freshly shat fruitcake. The last thing on the Punisher's mind is law and order. Every time he suits up and blows away some criminal, he's wiping his ass on the very concept of law and order. So no, I'm not buying it. Unless you mean law and order for everyone else *except* yourself. That I can see. You're all walking hard-ons when it comes to applying rules to others that you would never apply to yourself.

Think about it. Batman's a rich dude, and I know that makes your balls tingle. He goes out every night and beats the shit out of the mentally ill. Another thing I'm sure you jerk off to. And Batman really is about law and order. The only law he ignores is the one that would require him to turn himself in as a vigilante. All the others, he's good with. Is it because he doesn't kill his targets, and the Punisher does? Or maybe it's the fact that today Batman doesn't use guns, and the Punisher does. But remember when Batman started, he loved him some guns. So maybe that's not it.

Maybe it's not the Punisher you want to emulate. I'm thinking you just want to take all the people you can't stand and execute them on the spot. No arrest, no trial, no nothing. Just see a guy you don't like, no matter the reason, and just shoot the poor bastard. So maybe you should really be worshipping school shooters.

Oh shit.

Maybe you do. It just occurred to me that this would be a very good reason why no one does anything ever about school shootings. The guys who kill children are your heroes. Is that it? Can that be it?

I knew you were a piece of shit, but my God. MY GOD.

If that's the case? You're the kind of person the Punisher would kill on principle.

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